The next conference of the European Proteomics Association, EUPA 2025, will be held at the Congress center « Le Grand Large » in Saint Malo, France, from June 16 to 20, 2025. As you can expect, many topics and sessions are on the programme, as well as Educational days and Full-day sessions.
Registrations are already open, and you have until February 28 to submit your communications. Please note that the tourist season in Saint Malo will have already begun in June, and it is therefore highly recommend that you book your accommodation as soon as possible.
All the information and the program are on the official website:
EuPA and National societies offer travel grants, in particular the French Proteomics Society offers 10 grants of 400 Eur each, as well as two grants of 1000 Eur for post-doctoral researchers currently working abroad who have completed their thesis in France.
Click on this link to apply for a grant:
We are looking forward to meeting many of you at this future international meeting of proteomics research!