
Recurrent academic education

  • Engineering school program ESBS-Strasbourg (2nd and 3rd years) : courses on mass spectrometry and high throughput analyses
  • Professional Bachelor’s degree in chemistry and pharmaceutics (Licence Professionnelle Industries Chimiques et Pharmaceutiques option Analyse et Contrôle, Université de Strasbourg) : courses
  • Engineering school program ECPM-Strasbourg (1st, 2nd and 3rd years). Course and practical sessions on analytical techniques and mass spectrometry.
  • Engineering school program ChemBioTech-Strasbourg (1st and 2nd years). Course and practical sessions on analytical chemistry
  • Master M1 Chemistry, Physics, Analytics & Materials (CPAM, Faculté de chimie, Strasbourg) : Course and practical sessions on separative techniques and spectrometry
  • Master M2 Analytical sciences (SACEB, Faculté de Chimie, Strasbourg). Course and practical sessions on analytical chemistry, mass spectrometry
  • Master 1 Molecular biology and Master 1 Structural biology and bioinformatics (Faculté des sciences de la vie, Strasbourg) : courses on interactomics
  • In-service training :mass spectrometry of peptides and proteins (electrospray, MALDI), HPLC chromatography, pharmaceuticals