Archives de catégorie : "Software"

Release 2.3.0 focuses mainly on Isobaric labelling quantification in particular by taking into account purity correction matrices and Precursor Ion

This new release improves the PTMs oriented functionalities. The previous version introduced a clear distinction between modification sites and clusters

This new version is an intermediate release which fixes some bugs and improves some features : see Release Note to

New version of Proline Suite is available ! Download this version here. This release adds two new interesting features to

We are pleased and very proud to announce the publication of Proline in Bioinformatics. Motivation The proteomics field requires the production

Bouyssié D, Lesne J, Locard-Paulet M, Albigot R, Burlet-Schiltz O, Marcoux J. Bioinformatics. 2019 Jul 9. pii: btz550. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz550.

New datastore architecture, separation of Instrument and Fractionnation rules, add new export formats, enhancement of PTM Sites managment and label-free

Locard-Paulet M, Parra J, Albigot R Mouton-Barbosa E, Bardi L, Burlet-Schiltz O, Marcoux J. VisioProt-MS: interactive 2D maps from intact

New validation service (allow to propagate PSM Validation and/or Protein Set filtering), PTM sites identification available for merged dataset, Studio
