Archives de catégorie : "Events"

This meeting will take place in Lille, on September 16 2024 prior to the SMAP2024 conference. SMAP2024 is co-organised by

A feedback on the access call to Structural biology, Biological imaging and Proteomics facilities. 📅 November 19, 2024.  Meet in

The MetaboHUB and ProFI national infrastructures are organizing a joint day in Toulouse on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. During the

Following the final decision of our Institutional Committee on September 20th 2023, we are delighted to announce that three new

This workshop will present the fundamental and applied aspects of Mass Spectrometry-based structural techniques, as well as data analysis procedures.

This workshop will present the fundamental and applied aspects of Mass Spectrometry-based structural techniques, as well as data analysis procedures.

ProFI supports the workshop “Analyse et interprétation des données en protéomique et métabolomique : points communs et spécificités”. 28 Mars

Mass spectrometry in structural biology November 21, 2017, CNRS, salle La Terrasse, Gif sur Yvette. Click here to find the

Place : Disneyland Paris Date : 2 october 2017
