Pôle ProtéomeMontpellier
ProGénoMix platformBagnols-sur-Cèze
Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry of BiomoleculesToulouse
ProFI facilities are distributed over six sites in France
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The Proteomics French Infrastructure is a national project set up to provide a unified service platform in proteomics studies. It's open to both public and private collaborations.
Proteomics Services
make your work easier and faster!

Large scale protein identification and quantification
Current proteomics methods and instrumentation represent today a powerful tool to get new insights into complex biological systems.

Targeted quantification
Targeted strategies have emerged ten years ago and are best suited when precise, idealy absolute, quantification of finite sets of proteins are required with highest sensitivity.

Post-translational modifications: detection and quantification
Proteins are very often the subject of various post-tanslational modifications (PTMs) that can impact their association with other proteins and globally other biomolecules, their subcellular localization ans their stability.

Interactomics and protein complexes
Interactomics and protein complexes investigations are also based on our strategies and instrumentation for large scale and targeted quantification.

Characterization of intact proteins and complexes
The next frontiers in proteome research are the study of protein-ligand interactions, protein-peptide and protein-protein complexes, together with entire protein interaction networks by high-throughput methods.

Large scale protein identification and quantification
Current proteomics methods and instrumentation represent today a powerful tool to get new insights into complex biological systems.

Targeted quantification
Targeted strategies have emerged ten years ago and are best suited when precise, idealy absolute, quantification of finite sets of proteins are required with highest sensitivity.

Post-translational modifications: detection and quantification
Proteins are very often the subject of various post-tanslational modifications (PTMs) that can impact their association with other proteins and globally other biomolecules, their subcellular localization ans their stability.

Interactomics and protein complexes
Interactomics and protein complexes investigations are also based on our strategies and instrumentation for large scale and targeted quantification.

Characterization of intact proteins and complexes
The next frontiers in proteome research are the study of protein-ligand interactions, protein-peptide and protein-protein complexes, together with entire protein interaction networks by high-throughput methods.
Key Figures

Last News

ProlineSuite Version 2.3.0 : This new version focuses mainly on Isobaric labelling quantification
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EuPA 2025 in Saint-Malo
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Annual meeting of the French Proteomics Platforms
This meeting will take place in Lille, on September 16 2024 prior to the SMAP2024 conference. SMAP2024 is co-organised by ProFI-Lille. https://smap2024.inviteo.fr/