National Networks


ProFI interacts with IFB in the context of Elixir (see “On the international stage” section) but also at the national level. Christophe Bruley, responsible for the development of Proline [lien à mettre], is co-leader of an IFB action (Sharing of services with other national research support infrastructures).

1st FRISBI/ Profi Proteomics meeting

The 1st FRISBI/ProFI Proteomics meeting was held the 21 November, 2017 at CNRS Campus Gif-sur-Yvette The meeting was organised by FRISBI and Profi infrastructures with more than 70 participants from both communities.


A close collaboration has been established with PHENOMIN, the national infrastructure in mouse phenogenomics, to analyse signaling initiated at T-cell receptors (TCRs) in primary murine cells. Most of the studies performed up till now on TCR signaling pathways involved the use of immortalized cultured cell lines, such as Jurkat cells; the relevance of the findings with these models can be questioned. The ProFI and PHENOMIN infrastructures have come together to take on the challenge of performing studies directly on primary cells isolated from model animals. These studies focus on the precise and dynamic characterization of signaling initiated at the TCR using various murine models, in particular a range of transgenic mice each presenting a unique type of TCR which can be activated using peptides which will be recognized with varying affinities.

ProFI Contact: Myriam Ferro